ERASMUS + in mednarodno projektno sodelovanje
AKREDITACIJA (2023–2027)
Gimnazija Koper je pridobila akreditacijo za Erasmus + mednarodna projektna sodelovanja. Erasmus + projekti so za dijake in zaposlene priložnost za učenje in rast. Glavni cilji, ki smo si jih kot šola zadali, so:
1. Napredek v rabi tujih jezikov Mednarodno sodelovanje omogoča dijakom in učiteljem učenje, rabo in napredovanje v znanju tujih jezikov na posameznih predmetnih področjih (biologija, kemija, književnost, umetnost, zgodovina, šport …).
2. Poglabljanje v znanja aktualnih tem, vprašanj, izzivov, novih znanj. Mednarodno sodelovanje omogoča dijakom in učiteljem poglabljanje v aktualna nova znanja, ki jih v običajni pok zaradi strogo določenih šolskih učnih načrtov ne moremo vedno vključevati (trajnostnost, digitalna pismenost, trenutni družbeni, politični, generacijski izzivi, povezanost preteklosti, sedanjosti in razmislek o prihodnosti, umetnost in kultura skozi sodelovanje različnih narodov, skupne evropske vrednote, zdravo življenje …). Z mednarodnim sodelovanjem se dijaki učijo DELA v mednarodnem okolju (multikulturalnost je dejstvo, s katerim se srečujemo na trgu dela), učitelji pa imajo možnost deljenja svojega znanja in usvajanja novih znanj in pristopov na posameznih predmetnih področjih od kolegov iz drugih šolskih sistemov.
3. Internacionalizacija šole Pomemben cilj je tudi razvoj na področju mednarodnega sodelovanja, ki z izzivi in dodatnim delom omogoča stalno napredovanje tako dijakom kot sodelujočim učiteljem. Gimnazija Koper je šola, ki že od leta 2009 vsakoletno sodeluje s tujimi partnerskimi šolami. To se nam zdi tudi pomembna močna točka naše šole, saj dijakom omogoča izkušnjo sodelovanja s tujimi sovrstniki in učitelji. Ekskurzije so namenjene opazovanju, Erasmus + projekti pa dijakom omogočajo vstop v tuje šole, tuja okolja, družine, kjer se naučijo dela v medkulturnih timih.
ERASMUS + and international project cooperation
Accreditation (2023–2027)
Gimnazija Koper obtained the accreditation for Erasmus + international project cooperation. Erasmus + projects are an opportunity for students and employees to learn and grow. The main goals we have set for ourselves as a school are:
1. Progress in use of foreign languages Through project work at the international level, we want to enable students and teachers to progress in the use of foreign languages (mainly English, but also French, Italian, German and Spanish). According to the curriculum, regular foreign language lessons are intended for a wide population of students. Project work with foreign partners will enable teachers and students to spread and deepen their professional knowledge and knowledge of the language, while doing concrete work on areas of expertise that they want to develop. Project work raises awareness, respect and enthusiasm for differences (e.g. encountering 'different Englishes'), which enables an authentic experience of studying and working abroad. With international project work, students will find their strong areas more easily and be able to prepare themselves for studying and working in international environments.
2. Acquisition of knowledge in the field of current/new/latest topics in different professional areas (current social issues, progress in science, digital literacy, environmental protection and sustainable development …) The aim of carrying out international project work is also to acquire knowledge about current/new/latest topics that are not sufficiently addressed in our high school curriculum (sustainability, digital literacy, current social issues, the connection between the past and the future, culture and art through the eyes of different nations, healthy living). This goal is important for both teachers (tracking new knowledge in their fields and a collaborative approach to implementing this knowledge), as well as for students who, with the help of international cooperation, acquire what their regular classes do not offer (enough). The school as an institution is thus more in step with the times, developing and changing.
3. Promote teacher’s development and maintain/increase student enrollment in our school This goal is very important for our school, as surveys show that (also) the possibility of international cooperation and our wide network of long-standing partner schools (the students can go on mobility and expand their horizons, get to know other school systems, learn about ways of working and study options) are an important element in the decision to enroll in our school. Even teachers, who have not remained trapped in the routine, learn and make an important element in the design of a modern school. International project work will encourage teachers to continue their professional development and follow innovations.